Domain Gratis CO.CC Deindex Oleh mbah Google

Domain CO.CC Deindex Or Banned Google | di tepat hari ini kamis 30 Juni 2011, banyak sekali blog yang menggunakan domain gratis dari Alhasil banyak juga yang komplain tentang deindex massal oleh Google. Awalnya saya kaget ketika seorang teman membuat status di FB bahwa domain gratis dari yang dia pakai deindex, saya kira deindex karna AGC, namun setelah saya cek domain punyaku ternyata kena imbasnya juga.
Hal ini akan sangat memberatkan dan memukul perasaan pengguna domain tersebut. Domain CO.CC Deindex Or Banned Google |, emang sungguh kejam. Mungkin ini dikarenakan banyak pengguna domain yang secara gratis ini untuk bermain Blackhate terutama pada masa era 2011 ini banyak sekali blog AGC berhamburan.
Karena Domain CO.CC Deindex Or Banned Google |, domain utama pun kena tebas oleh Google untuk beberapa saat. namun selang beberapa jam saya coba cek ternyata nongol lagi di search engine google. So, buat para pengguna setia CO.CC semoga bisa bersabar. Tetap semangat ngeblog ya...


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  • Opera automatically checks for updates to Browser JavaScript once every week. Any updates will be automatically downloaded and applied the next time a page is loaded in Opera.
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Enabling browser.js

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Showing newest posts with label books + book search. Show older posts

The first Google eBooks-integrated e-reader: iriver Story HD

7/11/2011 06:00:00 AM
(Cross-posted from the Inside Google Books Blog and the Google Commerce blog)

Starting this coming Sunday, July 17, the iriver Story HD e-reader will be available for sale in Target stores nationwide and on The iriver Story HD is the first e-reader integrated with the open Google eBooks platform, through which you can buy and read Google eBooks over Wi-Fi.

The iriver Story HD, which retails for $139.99, is slim and lightweight with a high-resolution E Ink screen and a QWERTY keyboard for easy searching. It includes over-the-air access to hundreds of thousands of Google eBooks for sale and more than 3 million for free. With the Story HD you can now browse, buy and read Google eBooks with your e-reader through Wi-Fi, rather than downloading and transferring them from computer to e-reader with a cord as you can already do with more than 80 compatible devices.

We built the Google eBooks platform to be open to all publishers, retailers and manufacturers. Manufacturers like iriver can use Google Books APIs and services to connect their devices to the full Google eBooks catalog for out-of-the-box access to a complete ebookstore. You can also store your personal ebooks library in the cloud—picking up where you left off in any ebook you’re reading as you move from laptop to smartphone to e-reader to tablet.

In December, Google eBooks launched with the ability to read Google eBooks on any device with a modern browser, on Android and iOS devices using the Google Books mobile apps, through our Chrome Web Store app and on compatible ereaders. Since then, we’ve added new retailers—growing to include more than 250 independent bookstores—and made Google eBooks available in Android Market. We’ve also extended our affiliate network and updated our family of Google Books APIs.

The Story HD is a new milestone for us, as iriver becomes the first manufacturer to launch an e-reader integrated with Google eBooks. You can learn more about the Story HD on the iriver website.

Stay tuned for more Google eBooks-integrated devices to come. If you’re a manufacturer interested in integrating your next device with the Google eBooks e-commerce platform, please contact us at

Update 7/13: We've corrected the word "e-ink" to the more precise "E Ink" as that is the technology brand used in the device's high resolution screen.

Google News highlights unique content with Editors’ Picks

8/04/2011 01:06:00 PM
(Cross-posted on the Google News Blog)

News organizations tell stories online in ways that bring together the best of traditional and digital journalism, whether that involves long-form investigative features, compelling photo slideshows or interactive maps and charts that add new levels of engagement to the day's news. To help connect you to the best works of news publishers, Google News is introducing a new section in the right-hand column of the U.S. edition. The section is called "Editors' Picks,” and it displays original content that publishers have selected as highlights from their publications. This is the latest addition to recent improvements we’ve made to the variety and presence of stories and multimedia on Google News.

An array of news organizations, including local, national and niche publishers, are now using Editors’ Picks to display their best, most engaging content. Because Google News relies on algorithms, Editors' Picks will always be just that—picks provided by publishers themselves, and not by Google. You can browse a set of publisher feeds that span national, specific and local interests—like The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, ProPublica, the Guardian and The Root, among many others—via the side-to-side arrows next to each publisher's logo. The feeds you see are chosen based on a variety of factors, including your news preferences. If you’re interested in using source preferences on Google News, Editors' Picks helps you do that with the slider that appears just below the articles.

You may have first noticed Editors’ Picks as an experiment last year. Based on the data from that experiment, we have been working with nearly two dozen publishers in recent months and have seen a positive response from readers and publishers alike: readers get the news they're interested in from the sources they trust, and publishers receive higher traffic to their websites. We encourage any news organizations that are interested to visit our Help Center to get started.

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