Keeping up-to-date

  • Opera automatically checks for updates to Browser JavaScript once every week. Any updates will be automatically downloaded and applied the next time a page is loaded in Opera.
  • Automatic checking is controlled by the Browser JavaScript and Check For New Opera settings in Opera6.ini.
  • Files are downloaded separately for each user of Opera, and you do not have to be an administrator of your computer to make use of this feature.
  • The Browser JavaScript is signed and distributed by Opera Software ASA, and should not be edited.
  • The file will be stored in Opera's profile folder. The Help > About screen will tell you where the profile folder is.
If you use a proxy server that requires user name and password to access the internet, please note that Opera will not request user name and password for an authenticating proxy in order to download site patches. Site patching or upgrade notification may not take place if such proxies are required, but you may be able to check for updates manually.

Enabling browser.js

If you have changed settings, or changed the file itself, the browser.js feature may have become disabled.
  1. Go to the Browser JavaScript setting and change the value to 2.
  2. Click the "Save" button below the setting.
  3. Re-load this page and check if the status message at the top says browser.js is enabled.
If this doesn't work for you, the file may be corrupted. Please follow the instructions on "checking for updates manually" in the next section.

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